Combat Map - Turn 57

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Vision of Betrayal Turn Results 8

The party approached and searched the half-buried wagon. The corpses found inside were stripped of their cold weather clothing and placed outside.

Fergus tended to the bodies and prepared a Viking funeral. The cleric laid the strangers to a final rest and solved the problem of warmth for the first watch.
Fergus was able to fashion a makeshift cold weather outfit from the pelts received from the centaur, Urdel Thunderhoof. Nester, Korg, Jerry and Ronan equipped the gear. Two party members stood watch outside while the rest took shelter within the wagon with the wood-burning stove stoked to help heat the interior.
The temperature dropped dangerously during the second watch. During the first hour of their shift, Korg passed out from exposure to the cold. Jerry was able to get him into the wagon and roused Fergus to tend to the fallen sorcerer. Examination of the entire party revealed that all of the party, but Fergus, were suffering some degree of affect from the cold. The cleric channeled positive energy twice to relieve the effects of the exposure. When everyone was well, the cleric took a long pull from his flask resumed his slumber.

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