Combat Map - Turn 57

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

GoM: What Lurks in the Woods – Turn Results 38

The straining goblin dog broke it chain and rushed out to join the combat. The monster made it to the gate area and attacked Cando with its bite but missed.

Stabem ran up behind Cando and tumbled past to the left. The rogue attacked the monster with his rapier, stabbing it for 4 damage. The three visible goblins opened fire on Stabem with their shortbows but all the attacks missed.

Lou G’Boo let out a shriek of alarm and moved back toward the ledge. Ro-Mahn followed suit and tumbled past Cando and joined the monkey.

The invisible antagonist made herself apparent as the goblin positioned herself behind Stabem, flanking with the goblin dog, and stuck the halfling with her short sword. The attack dealt 8 damage and the wound continued to bleed.

Lady Emyralda finished climbing the rope and achieved the ledge. The cleric channeled positive energy to heal the party. The healing bust removed 6 nonlethal damage from Cando, Ro-Mahn, Lou’G’Boo and herself and 6 damage and the bleeding condition from Stabem.

Barnacleez and Wahesh both continued to ascend the rope. Cando swung down with one end of his double axe upon the goblin dog. The half-orc’s blow landed, dealing 11 damage and killed the monster. He moved around Stabem and threatened the formally invisible goblin with a battle roar.

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