Combat Map - Turn 57

Monday, May 7, 2018

GoM: The Festering Blot - Turn Results 30

Ro-Mahn examined the closets and gave the all clear to Cando. Within the center one, the half-orc discovered a magical cloak and four noble’s outfits, worth 75 gp each. All were in pristine condition. Behind the clothes was a small stash of weapons consisting of a cold iron morningstar and a cold iron dagger, both wrapped in luxurious cloth and tied with a red silken sash.

Barnacleez examined the cloak and announced it to be, Beth, a +1 cloak of resistance.

The remaining closets both contained smelly, moth-eaten clothes.

Once the room was searched, the party moved on to the next room.


  1. Who, if anyone, will take the cloak and cold iron weapons?

  2. I have a cold Iron Scimitar so I don't need the weapons.
    I will "Borrow the cloak" for the rest of the mission. Unless someone else wants to wear it for now.
