Combat Map - Turn 57

Monday, May 21, 2018

GoM: The Festering Blot - Turn Results 35

Cando offered to heal Lady Emyralda but the cleric declined and channeled positive energy to heal 8 damage from herself and Wahesh instead.

Cando and Wahesh carefully skirted the perimeter of the room heading toward the northern portion.

Ro-Mahn stepped to the door way and noticed that something looked off with the floor near the tables. He stepped into the room and warned fellow party members away from the spot. Stabem entered the room and examined the indicated section of the floor. The halfling determined that it was trapped with a spiked pressure plate.

Lady Emyralda entered the room and stayed toward the windows in the turret. Barnacleez stood in the doorway and cast Detect Magic and looked toward the two tables. The gnome detected the presence of magic.

1 comment:

  1. I'll try posting again...

    "Much obliged again, Lady Emyralda."

    It's weird that someone would install a trap in a high-use work area. Maybe it was added after the Sarinis were gone.
    If there's one there might be another, like one that activates the stuffed critter's tail spikes.

    Wahesh will hold up, assuming that Barnacleez will want to see what is radiating magic, and look for traps or anything out of the ordinary.

    2, 12, 19, 20, 13
