Combat Map - Turn 57

Thursday, February 1, 2018

GoM: The Festering Blot - Turn Results 4

Ro-Mahn moved forward, drew his sling and fired at the Fiendish Mite on the left. The cold iron bullet hit the monster dealing 4 damage and cracked its head open, knocking it to the ground. Stabem moved ahead toward the monsters, stepping in front of Ro-Mahn.

Cando moved forward and drew a dart. The half-orc charged the projectile with arcane energy and hurled it at the Fiendish Giant Centipede on the left. The dart struck and dealt 6 damage and killed the monster. Lady Emyralda moved forward and drew her scimitar.

Nolaria took a 5-foot step, cast a Bless spell and drew her longbow. Barnacleez stepped forward and activated Missy, his wand. The Magic Missile struck the remaining Fiendish Mite. The spell overpowered the creatures spell resistance and dealt 4 damage, knocking the monster to the ground.

Wahesh charged forward and attacked the remaining Fiendish Giant Centipede. The slash from the fighter’s longsword struck home and dealt 7 damage which killed the vermin.

With the monsters dead, the boy in the road quickly got to his feet and thanked Wahesh. “My name is Olaus. Thank you for saving my life! I was out looking for a stray calf when these monsters attacked me. I have no idea where they came from.”

Wahesh was uncertain why but something about the boy’s story did not ring true.

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